Agendas & Minutes

Agendas & Minutes

The City Commission holds regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of every month. All notices are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting, in accordance with the Chapter 551 of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Annotated (Open Meetings Act). Agendas are posted on the web site as a courtesy and, from time to time, may not be available due to technical difficulties. The official posting site is on the City Hall Bulletin Board located in City Hall at 400 S. Ohio Ave.

In accordance with Governor Abbott’s March 16, 2020, Executive Order and section 418.016 of the Texas Government Code, in an effort to prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), beginning March 30, 2020, the Mercedes City Commission will do its best to live stream their meetings. The City Commission will continue to meet to conduct business, and to maximize public safety, the public is invited to participate in Commission meetings by video access rather than attending the meeting in person.

You will be able to access the YouTube live stream every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month starting at 6:30 PM. You may also view previous recordings on the city YouTube Channel. Access our YouTube Channel by clicking this link The City of Mercedes Youtube.

  • Members of the public will be entitled to participate and address the governmental body during any telephonic or videoconference meeting.
  • To hold a telephonic or videoconference meeting, a governmental body must post a written notice that gives the public a way to participate remotely, such as a toll-free dial-in number, and that includes an electronic copy of any regular agenda packet that officials will consider at the meeting.
  • A governmental body must provide the public with access to a recording of any telephonic or videoconference meeting.

Citizens are invited to continue participating in Open Forum. To sign up for open forum, please email by 12:50 pm on the day of the meeting or call (956) 565-3114 ext. 138 or 139 with the following information:


Phone Number

Topic of Discussion

The information will be provided at the time of signing up for remote connection. 


Agendas & Minutes will now be accessible through our Agenda & Minutes software hosted by CivicPlus. Please subscribe to CivicClerk to be alerted when new Agendas are posted or to view previous Agendas and Minutes. The calendar has been posted here on this page but it is also accessible through the public portal of CivicClerk.

CivicClerk Public Portal

Residents may also access our resident portal to further customize the notifications received.

CivicPlus Resident Portal

With the inclusion of CivicClerk all Agenda & Minutes from previous commission meetings may be found in our archive located here.

Rules of Decorum

Open Forum Procedures and Decorum

Executive Session

A closed session may be convened at any time during the course of a regular meeting under Texas Government Code 551.071(2) to confer with its legal counsel on any subject matter of said agenda. Should any final action, decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the Board with regard to any item discussed during the executive session, then such final action shall be made during the open meeting covered by the notice of the meeting.