City Secretary
City Secretary

Joselynn Castillo, City Secretary
(956) 565-3114 Ext 138
The City Secretary’s office is committed to Serving Citizens of Today and Tomorrow While Preserving the Records of the Past
The City Secretary’s office performs administrative and legislative functions and processes in accordance with the City Charter, State laws, and City ordinances and policies. The City Secretary’s office:
- Gives notice of and records City Commission meetings as well as any other board meetings assigned by the City Manager.
- Responsible for all official records and documents of the City including City Commission meeting minutes, ordinances, resolutions, deeds, easements, contracts, birth and death records and proclamations
- keeps abreast of legislative changes in elections, and coordinates the administration of all City Elections
- Responsible for the City of Mercedes Records Management program
- Serves as local registrar of birth and death records
- Safeguards and improves the public assess to records, documents and files of the City, including responding to requests for information
- Responsible for the issuance of certain permits for various operations within the City of Mercedes including TABC licenses and renewals and sound permits
- Responsible for receiving and handling Public Information requests
Vital Statistics
The City Secretary’s Department issues Birth and Death Certificates on a walk-in basis.
We are located at Mercedes Municipal Building :
400 S. Ohio Ave
Mercedes, Texas 78570
Office 956.565.3114
Fax 956.565.8592
Hours of Operation for birth or death records:
8:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.*
Monday – Friday
Vitals Statistics Fee:
The fee for a Certified Birth Certificate is $23.00 dollars, plus $1 for the document holder.
The fee for a Certified Death Certificate is $21.00 dollars and $4.00 dollars for extra certified copies, plus $1 for the document holder.
A search fee of $23.00 is applied if record not found.
Sound Permits
The City Secretary’s office processes applications for sound permits. Sound permits are required for any event in which music will be provided. There is a $5 fee for each sound permit. Sound permits are also issued out for any political activity in which music will be provided or sound trucks will be used.
The City Secretary’s office is the first point of contact for any incidents involving City property and equipment. The office assists by coordinating all lawsuits filed against the city with the insurance company and conducting initial investigate on potential claims against the city.
- As in many other cities, the City Secretary’s Office serves as resource for citizens and a link between the citizens and the City organization.