2015 Commission Meeting Minutes

2015 Commission Meeting Minutes

The City Commission holds regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of every month. All notices are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting, in accordance with the Chapter 551 of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Annotated (Open Meetings Act). Agendas are posted on the web site as a courtesy and, from time to time, may not be available due to technical difficulties. The official posting site is on the City Hall Bulletin Board located in City Hall at 400 S. Ohio Ave.

2015 City Commission Meeting Minutes

JanuaryMinutes from the January 6, 2015 Meeting : Minutes from the January 20, 2015 Meeting
FebrauryMinutes from the February 15, 2015 Meeting
MarchMinutes from the March 3, 2015 Meeting : Minutes from the March 17, 2015 Meeting
AprilMinutes from the April 7, 2015 Meeting : Minutes from the April 15, 2015 Meeting
MayMinutes from the May 5, 2015 Meeting
JuneMinutes from the June 2, 2015 Meeting : Minutes from the June 16, 2015 Meeting
JulyMinutes from the July 7, 2015 Meeting
AugustMinutes from the August 4, 2015 Meeting : Minutes from the August 18, 2015 Meeting
SeptemberMinutes from the September 1, 2015 Meeting : Minutes from the September 15, 2015 Meeting
OctoberMinutes from the October 6, 2015 Meeting : Minutes from the October 20, 2015 Meeting
NovemberMinutes from the November 3, 2015 Meeting : Minutes from the November 17, 2015 Meeting
DecemberMinutes from the December 1, 2015 Meeting : Minutes from the December 15, 2015 Meeting