Mercedes COVID-19 Cases Update
Mercedes COVID-19 Cases Update
Apr 15, 2020

Date: April 15, 2020 (6:30 pm)
Confirmed Cases in Mercedes: 13
In regard to the current COVID-19 health threat, the City of Mercedes strongly urges, with utmost seriousness, that you be informed of the following:
Stay home. The County Judge’s Order to Shelter-in-place is still prevailing; staying home minimizes or eliminates the risk of exposure to COVID-19. If you need to travel to secure commodities, or for other needs, limit your exposure to others (6’ distancing).
Comply with the minimum 6’ social distancing rule. When waiting in line to buy commodities, etc., or even at home settings, please be 6’ away from other people, even members of your own family and friends.
Wash your hands with soap & water (20 seconds) – frequently.
City parks will be closed immediately. In order to maximize safety to our children & citizens, city parks will be closed. The Police Department will be vigilant of this. If the PD stops you, it is to educate and warn; thus, we hope that there will be voluntary compliance so that this virus will not spread further in Mercedes.
Groceries, essential government operations, and curbside/drive-thru food services remain open as essential.
This order is valid and in effect until otherwise amended, or nullified.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and compliance during this difficult time.
Sergio Zavala
City Manager
CIty of Mercedes