Streets Division
Streets Division
The City of Mercedes Streets & Building Maintenance Division is in charge of providing efficient, economic access to desired destinations in a safe manner for all citizens and visitors in every section of the City. Additionally; this Division provides quality construction, repair, remodeling, and upkeep of City-owned facilities.
A few examples of work performed by this division are:
- Curb Scraping
- Street Sweeping
- Regulatory Sign Maintenance
- Pavement Markings
- Pot Hole Patching
- Spot Repairs
- Alley Grading
- Tree Trimming on City Right-of-Way
- Respond to all weather-related emergencies and catastrophic events.
- Assist with Illegal Dumping
This Division is responsible to process Speed Bumps Requests and ensure their installation, maintenance, or removal as required.
Moreover; the Streets & Maintenance Supervisor is required to inspect and provide comments on new City Subdivisions, in order to ensure that new City roads & sidewalks meet the quality standards that our citizens deserve.
Streets & Maintenance Supervisor
Juan Vega Jr.
Phone: 956-565-6147