Common Violations

Common Violations

Overgrown Grass/Weedy Lots

Code of Ordinance Section 8.06

Overgrown grass (weedy lots) on all properties located within the city limits can create hazardous, unsafe, and unhealthy conditions and constitute a public nuisance. IF you have grass, weeds and other vegetation that are over 12″ in height, you are in violation of the city code of ordinances. Weedy lots create a breeding place for mosquitoes, a refuge for rats and snakes, and a collecting place for trash and litter.

City Code requires that tall grass and weeds not exceed the height of twelve (12″) inches, including the alley. A one-time yearly notice is enforced.

NOTE: Be sure to trim around curbs (or edge of pavement if there is no curb), sidewalks, driveways, fences, trees, flowerbeds, and/or any other building or structures.

We encourage everyone to maintain the grass and weeds before it becomes a problem. Property owners who allow their property to get out of control may be issued a citation and may be billed for any cleanup costs and associated fees if city abates property.

Illegal Dumping

Code of Ordinance Section 13.11

Illegal dumping is placing trash, garbage, old furniture, mattresses, tires, lumber, debris, and waste, anything discarded where it does not belong. Placing trash/debris, brush, and tree trimmings onto someone else’s property, on vacant lots, or anywhere other than on your side of the alley is illegal dumping. Also, placing trash into a dumpster that is not yours is considering illegal dumping. Dispose of your own trash and debris properly.

Why is illegal dumping a serious problem for our community?

  • Decreases neighborhood property values
  • Costs taxpayers millions of dollars in clean-up costs
    Is a community eyesore
  • Provides a breeding ground for disease carrying rodents, insects, and other vermin
  • Contact Code Compliance or the Police Department to report Illegal Dumping.
  • You may contact Public Works at (956) 565-3114 ext. 708 for scheduled pick-up times.

Accumulation of Debris on Property
Code of Ordinance Section 13.04

It is a public nuisance and unlawful for any owner or occupant to permit any accumulation of junk and debris. All exterior property and premises and the interior of every structure, shall be free from any accumulation of rubbish or garbage.
Every occupant of a structure shall dispose all of trash and debris in a clean and sanitary manner by placing such trash and debris in approved containers and locations for pickup.    

Useful Information:
The storage and accumulation of trash, junk, rubbish and debris provides a harborage for rodents and pests. These conditions result in dangerous and unsanitary conditions and a threat to public health. Refrigerators, stoves, furniture, tires, etc., stored outside are considered debris and are prohibited.

Illegal Signs
Code of Ordinance Section 3.05

Can I place my sign by the curb and on a stop sign or utility pole?

Why does the City prohibit these type of signs?

These signs create traffic hazards that block vision of pedestrians and drivers, confuse/obscure official signs, damage mowing equipment and most often become litter and trash in our neighborhood.

What about “For Rent,” “For Sale,” “Garage Sale,” “Lose Weight,” “We Buy Houses,” and other similar signs. Is there an exception for these?

There is no reason to allow someone to place a sign or handbill in a street, right of a way, or on a pole. This includes garage sale, open houses, houses for sale, and any type of home business signs.

The City of Mercedes Code Compliance Officers will remove any signs found to be on the right of way, on stop signs, or utility poles.

Vector Control/Mosquito Breeding in Stagnant Water

Code of Ordinance Section 8.06

Stagnant water refers to any body of water that lacks flow and remains still for an extended period of time. It can be found in various forms, such as puddles, pools, or even larger water bodies. Stagnant water serves as an ideal breeding ground for mosquitos which can pose significant health risks due to their ability to transmit diseases.

Did you know that mosquitoes breed in pools of water? After short rains and especially heavy rains, make sure to tip over any garden decorations, watering cans or tires to empty water out to avoid assisting mosquito breeding grounds.

Residents can reduce mosquito breeding sites around their homes by emptying, removing, or covering any water-holding containers.

Staff Directory

Luis Estrada-Code Compliance Officer

(956) 565-3114 Ext. 134

Bernie Mata-Code Compliance Officer

(956) 565-3114 Ext. 133