The Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Library relies on the generosity of its donors to build its various collections. If a patron believes they have material that would enhance any of our collections, they are welcome to bring it to the Library in order for staff to review it and determine its value for our collection.
Those materials that we are unable to add to our collection due to age, duplicate titles, or condition may be placed for sale. We regularly restock the titles that are available for sale.
All proceeds of the sales go to the Library’s fundraising account which helps cover costs of special programming such as the Summer Reading Program. So please stop by and checkout the numerous titles we have available ranging frequently from $.1 cent to $1.00.
Posterity Tree

Growth is an inevitable part of life. When an acorn is planted, a tree grows. When a family moves to an area, more families come and a city grows, just from one family taking root on a piece of land. And so it was with Mercedes, a city important to its families, all of whom are a part of the larger world.
The world of knowledge and technology is growing, too. To keep pace, the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Library must also grow. Mercedes’ residents, especially its children, need a Library with more books, more computers and as a result, more service area and storage space. Just as municipalities’ foster
improvements for their citizens, so the citizens must participate in the growth of their public institutions, in this case, the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Library. The Library needs your help in continuing its growth. You have the opportunity to inscribe a gold or bronze leaf to honor, commemorate, or to memorialize those events or people who have been significant in your lives. Your gift will make it possible for you to have a meaningful part in one of man’s noblest endeavors – that of uplifting the human mind.