Internet Resource Center
Internet Resource Center

The Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Library provides free computer access to it’s patrons either through it’s 26 adult computers and 10 children’s computers.
Patrons ages 2 to 12 are required to use the computers available in the Children’s Department. Patrons ages 13 and up are required to use the computers available in the adult section of the Library. There is a limit of one patron per computer, exceptions to this rule must be approved by Library Staff but are limited to a maximum of two patrons per computer.
For a patron age 2 to 6, a parent is required to remain with the child at the computers in order to assist them and monitor their Internet use. The Library Staff does not act in the place of a parent to restrict what a child may access. For patron’s age 7 to 12, a parent does not need to remain by the child’s side, but the parent must remain in the building as discussed in the Unattended or Disruptive Children policy.
What do I need to use a Library computer?
Patrons are required to have a Library Card and an account in good standing in order to use the computers at the Library. An account is considered in good standing if there are no fines or fees owed on the account.
What if I don’t have a Library Card?
If a patron does not have a library card, then only a 30 minute period will be granted per day with valid identification.
Is there a time limit if I have a Library Card?
Patrons are required to sign in with a staff member on a daily basis in order to use a computer. Use of the Library’s computers is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Patrons using a computer will have a time limit of one hour. Patrons using the library’s computers agree as a condition of use that if anyone else needs to use a computer, the current user will make the computer available within 5 minutes of being notified by a staff member. If a patron is in fact asked to relinquish a computer due to a high demand, then the patron may immediately sign up again, but they will be at the bottom of the sign-in list. If there are no patrons waiting to use a computer, then the use can be for the duration of the patron’s visit. Computer use must cease 15 minutes prior to closing time.
What programs are available on the computers?
All computers have access to the internet through various browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The computers also have Microsoft Office 2019 which includes programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Publisher.